Monday, March 17, 2008

Q 2: What food do you like best in spring?

I like shepherd's purse soup most, and broiled small octopus, too. In spring, my family usually go out to the open field in Kimpo, and wife and I pick fresh shepherd's purse(Naeng-ih) up. Children are just interested in playing each other. They don't care about the purse picking. Sometimes we move to near port in Kwangha and buy small octopus(ZZugumi) unloaded from fish boat at the very moment. Oh, it's delicious and my mouth is watering now. What about yours?


Joey said...

Hi, sammy!

I also liked shepherd's-purse soup with soybean paste in spring. And Bibimbap, boild rice with cooked vegetables like bean sprouts, spinach, and radish, and pepper paste, Gochujang, is my favorite food.

Liz said...

I think we are the same generation to have the same taste in spring. I also like shepherd's-purse soup. I remember picking it up in the field with my sister in spring.
Actually I like all seasoned vegetables in spring. They always taste fresh in the mouth. I love them!

genius said...

Hi gentleman Sammy.
I like artemisia(쑥)best in spring season. I love all kinds of food containing artemisia such as artemisia soup and artemisia rice cake. Especially I love the taste of artemisia. Whenever I eat artemisia I feel just like tasting spring. That's why my parents go to field and mountain to look for some artemisia in spring.

Jessica said...

Hi, Sammy!

I would go to pick herbs of various kinds in the mountains with husband and his friends in spring. For example, fern brake(고사리), mulberry liaves(뽕잎), fragrant edible wild aster(취나물),Actinidia arguta(다래순), lettuce green(씀바귀) and so on. It's so delicious and good health foods. I really love it..

Eric said...

Most of all, I'd like to recommend you seasonal herbs and vegetables. As you know,because I live in Kangwon Province, I can easily go and find so many spring herbs in the market of 봉평,평창,대화,정선 which is open at 5days interval. Yes, I'm so lucky guy. ^^*

Nicole said...

Hi Sammy,
As I mentioned in class, try to use this blog for English communication purposes. I suggest that you try translating or asking viewers to translate it for you in their comments as an English activity.

As for my favorite spring food...I think I would have to say wild strawberries. So joicy after a long winter.

Anonymous said...

I feel my age when I found my appetite in reminiscence-raising food, I mean, those which I were given by my mom when I was a child but didn't like that much. Like salmon goes back to the place where he was born, we human beings long for the old days and things, I think.
Let's get to the point. I would like to have 냉이. The uique scent it gives off really deserves savoring every mouthful. It is the taste which I didn't know as a kid even though it was so common at that time^^;;; Let's have it together with our classmembers some day before spring's gone.

Eun-ju, a dandle lion said...

I also like shepherd's-purse soup. Like Michelle, the more I like traditonal Korean food especially with vegetables, the oler I'm getting. My favorite food is soybean paste soup with tofu and potato. It's good to health and easy to diggest. ^ ^