Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Q7: How can I improve my English speaking?

I thought suprasegmental elements are the most important things in natural speaking. However, through my long-term observation, I have to practice speaking from the beginning(pronouncing drill of alphabet) if I want to speak English naturally and correctly. But it's a long way. Before reaching the goal like that, I should be retired.

Plz, tell me your practice experience and good tips to improve your speaking.
I'm serious. Hope all of my classmates' helpful suggestion or advice.


Nicole said...

Hi Sammy,
Your blog is very interesting these days with lots of widgets.
I think that individual sound production is important for a beginner but your language skills are so high that I would consider fluency more important than pronuncation at this point.

Michelle said...

I respect your opinion in putting weigh on practicing pronunciation as I told you before. However, when it comes to speaking, I think we need to practice speaking with some patterns. We can understand English writings with easiness but because of that we don't pay attention to how those sentences are structured and what kind of vocabulary are being used for specific situations. If we can be more careful of what we are reading, I think we could be more fluent.
I know, "Easier said than done" ^^
I try to grab the practical and substantial use of structures and vocabulary but as you can expect, it is so effort- and time-consuming... So easily exhausting and discouraging me... I feel that I can't keep going with this sometimes and I feel my age very seriously many times ^^;;;
What is more, I really want to know the secret... I realize that it's a long way to go till I reach a certain satisfactory point...

Nature- Jayeon Kim said...
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Nature- Jayeon Kim said...

Delete Comment From: Be Creative!

Nature- Jayeon Kim said...
Hi~~! Sammy!!
I'm surprised to so you already post the question for next week. You must be the person who prepare things with enough time. I should learn that attitude as a indolent trainee. Anyway, I'd like to answer to your question. Today when I came back home,I met a couple of middle aged foreigners in train. They were standing without reserved seats. It wasuncomfortable to see them standing without other standing persons. I asked where their destination was for I wanted to give some solutions to them. I and my friend promised to give seats to them in 15 minites. When we stood up to get off, they said their appreciation with pronouncing Korean words awkwardly. If they study Korean and live here, could they speak Korean with good pronunciation?
Sammy! I think you express your opinion very logically and clearly. I think you are going to accomplish too high goal. Do you know I sometimes write your sentences and vocabulary to practice?